Radon daughter in air monitoring by the Universal Radon Daughter Monitor

Universal Radon Daughter Monitor (URDM)

The URDM is a semi-passive radon daughter monitoring system that can be coupled with any medium constant flow rate air sampler. The URDM contains the glass fiber filter and the nuclear track detector film Kodak LR-115. When air is sucked through the filter radon daughter products remain on the filter and the alpha particles they emit are detected by the nuclear track detector film. The film is developed, the nuclear tracks are counted and the potential alpha energy concentration (PAEC) of radon daughters is estimated by considering the total volume of sampled air through the filter and the track density.

The alpha track density to the PAEC of radon daughter conversion factor is obtained through the system calibration inside the South Australian EPA Radiation Protection Branch Radon Calibration Chamber.

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